2022.03.19 14:45Nation

高速道、早期復旧に感謝 連休初日の利用者ら―福島


2022.03.19 14:45Nation

Traffic Back on Northeastern Expressways after Quake

All expressway closures caused by a major earthquake in northeastern Japan on Wednesday were lifted by Friday, with numerous cracks and bumps being restored in less than two days.
   East Japan Railway Co.'s Tohoku Shinkansen bullet train services remained partially disrupted, leading to many people opting for their cars.
   The Kunimi service area in Fukushima Prefecture on the Tokyo-bound section of the Tohoku Expressway was bustling with users on Saturday, the first day of a three-day weekend.
   A 29-year-old company worker from Sendai in neighboring Miyagi Prefecture was at the service area with his wife and two children on his way to his hometown of Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture, which neighbors Fukushima.
   "We would not have gone if the expressway was closed," he said. "I'm astounded by how fast the restoration was."


