2022.03.15 07:06Nation

国連改革の機運醸成狙う ウクライナ危機で提起―岸田首相


2022.03.15 07:06Nation

Japan's Kishida Aiming for U.N. Reform

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Monday expressed his eagerness to work for reform of the United Nations amid its failure to respond appropriately to the Ukraine crisis.
   But efforts to reform the organization, including its Security Council, face obstacles due to the difficulty of revising the U.N. Charter and the conflicting interests of member countries.
   The Security Council remains unable to adopt a resolution to condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, as Russia is a permanent member with the power to veto resolutions.
   At a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of Japan's parliament, Kishida said that the current system of the Security Council makes it effectively impossible for the body to deal with acts of aggression by permanent members.
   "Russia's atrocities show the need for a new framework for international order," he said. "The use of veto power by permanent members should be voluntarily restricted to the maximum extent possible."


