2022.03.01 08:53Nation

盛り土、知事の許可制に 規制強化法案を閣議決定


2022.03.01 08:53Nation

Prefectural Governors' Approval to Be Required for Soil Mounds

The Japanese government adopted at a cabinet meeting Tuesday a bill to strengthen regulations on soil mounds following a deadly mudslide in Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture, central Japan, last year.
   The bill, designed to drastically revise the residential land development regulation law, calls for entitling prefectural governors and mayors of major cities to designate areas where soil mounds could lead to a landslide disaster as regulated zones. Their approval will become necessary to create soil mounds in regulated zones.
   Individual violators will face a prison term of up to three years or a fine of up to 10 million yen. Corporate violators will face a fine of up to 300 million yen.
   The revised law will uniformly impose regulations on dangerous soil mounds across the country regardless of types of land-use, such as residential land, forests and farmland.
   Prefectural governors and major city mayors will be allowed to order the current and past owners of soil mounds and their builders to improve measures to prevent disasters.


