2022.02.28 12:11Nation

殉職警察官2人を慰霊 あさま山荘事件50年―長野県警


2022.02.28 12:11Nation

Fallen Police Officers Mourned 50 Yrs after Hostage Incident

Two riot policemen who died during a mission to deal with the hostage crisis at the Asama Sanso mountain lodge in Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture, were mourned Monday, the 50th anniversary of the end of the incident.
   Members of the Karuizawa police station of the Nagano prefectural police department in central Japan and former riot officers visited an honoring monument set up near the site of the hostage incident. They offered silent prayers and laid flowers for the two riot officers of Tokyo's Metropolitan Police Department who were shot to death during the mission.
   On Feb. 19, 1972, five armed members of the United Red Army, a now-defunct extremist group, occupied the lodge, while taking the wife of the lodge's caretaker as a hostage.
   Nine days later, on Feb. 28, riot officers of the Nagano prefectural police and the MPD stormed into the lodge and captured the five members and rescued the hostage.
   Yoshinori Hakoyama, 86, who joined the mission as a squad leader of the prefectural riot police 50 years ago, laid flowers with six other former riot policemen.


