2022.02.27 12:06Nation

ウクライナ政府に10億円寄付 楽天・三木谷氏、ツイッターで表明


2022.02.27 12:06Nation

Rakuten Chief Mikitani to Donate 1 B. Yen to Ukraine

Rakuten Group Inc. President, Chairman and CEO Hiroshi Mikitani tweeted Sunday that his family will donate 1 billion yen to the government of Ukraine, which has been under attack by Russia.
   The donation, to be delivered through embassies, will be used for humanitarian assistance, according to the leader of the major Japanese cybermall operator.
   On Twitter, Mikitani has said that the Russian action is "a challenge to democracy" and that he wants the Japanese government to show a tougher attitude against Russia.
   Rakuten is providing coupons allowing free voice communications in Ukraine on its Viber app.
   Mikitani posted a letter to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Twitter on Sunday, in which he said: "I am deeply saddened by the news of the military attack against Ukraine. My thoughts are with you and Ukraine people."


