2022.02.26 13:33Nation

「早く収束を」安否気遣う ウクライナで壁画制作の日本人

 ミヤザキさんは2015年からケニアのスラム街やエクアドルの女性刑務所などを回り、現地の人たちと一緒に壁画を制作する「Over the Wall」という活動を続けている。日本とウクライナの外交関係樹立25周年となった17年には、国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)と協力し、ウクライナの首都キエフと東部のマリウポリでそれぞれ手掛けた。

2022.02.26 13:33Nation

Japanese Mural Artist Wishes for Early End to Ukraine Crisis

Japanese mural artist Kensuke Miyazaki is wishing for an early end to the crisis in Ukraine, which is under attack by Russia, and praying for the safety of people in Ukraine who helped him complete his wall paintings in the country.
   Miyazaki, 43, launched in 2015 the "Over the Wall" project, in which he paints murals around the world with support from local people. Under the project, he visited places such as a Kenyan slum and a prison for female inmates in Ecuador.
   In 2017, which marked the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Japan-Ukraine diplomatic relations, Miyazaki painted murals in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and the eastern Ukraine city of Mariupol in cooperation with the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.
   In Kyiv, Miyazaki worked with refugee children from Afghanistan to create a wall painting in which people are running with the Japanese and Ukrainian flags in their hands under cherry blossoms in full bloom.
   In Mariupol, he painted a huge mural themed on The Mitten, a Ukrainian folk tale, on a local school wall which was scarred by bullets in a conflict in 2014. Many people in Mariupol have become fans of Japan through anime and other things in the country, Miyazaki said, adding that a number of locals, including children in the summer holidays, helped him create the work.


