2022.02.25 18:59Nation

「伝統的酒造り」提案へ ユネスコ無形文化遺産候補―文化審


2022.02.25 18:59Nation

Japan to Recommend Sake Brewing as UNESCO Cultural Heritage

Japan's Cultural Affairs Council decided Friday to propose traditional Japanese sake brewing techniques using koji mold as a candidate for UNESCO intangible cultural heritage listing.
   After seeking approval at a meeting of relevant government agencies, the government council will submit a proposal on the registration of the traditional brewing techniques to the U.N. organization at the end of March, people familiar with the matter said.
   The UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee is expected to deliberate whether to inscribe them at its November 2024 meeting.
   "Sake brewing is a traditional craft technique that has been established as work of the hand, and sake itself is deeply rooted in the social customs, rituals and festive events of Japanese people," the council said of its reason for the proposal.
   Koji is also used to make "shochu" and "awamori" distilled spirits.


