2022.02.17 15:04Nation

岸田首相、ロシア大統領と電話会談へ 対ウクライナで自制要請か


2022.02.17 15:04Nation

Kishida to Hold Phone Talks with Putin Later on Thurs.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Russian President Vladimir Putin are expected to hold talks over the phone on Thursday night amid tensions over Ukraine, Japanese government sources said.
   Kishida is likely to ask Putin to de-escalate tensions and pursue a diplomatic solution as concerns over a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine are growing.
   It will be the second time for the two leaders to hold telephone talks after they spoke in October last year.
   "We are amid a tense atmosphere where anything can happen," Kishida said about the Ukraine crisis at a meeting of his own Liberal Democratic Party faction earlier on Thursday.
   "We have to thoroughly keep in mind that allowing any change in the status quo by force will also have an effect on Asia as well," he said.


