2022.02.17 12:19Nation

G7、緊急首脳会合を調整 来週にも、ウクライナ情勢めぐり


2022.02.17 12:19Nation

G-7 Leaders Eyeing Emergency Meeting to Discuss Ukraine

Leaders of the Group of Seven advanced economies are planning to hold an emergency meeting online as early as next week, in response to heightened tensions between Russia and Ukraine, Japanese government sources revealed Thursday.
   At the meeting, the G-7 leaders hope to confirm their solidarity against Russia, which is adding military pressure on Ukraine. The G-7 groups Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States plus the European Union.
   From Japan, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is considering attending the meeting, the sources said.
   Prior to the envisaged summit, G-7 foreign ministers will hold an emergency meeting in Munich, Germany, on Saturday. They are expected to exchange opinions on imposing sanctions on Russia.
   In a joint statement released by G-7 finance ministers on Monday, the ministers warned that they are prepared to launch financial and economic sanctions against Russia in the event of an invasion of Ukraine.


