2022.02.16 18:22Nation

東京・沖縄で記念式典 本土復帰50年、県と共催―政府


2022.02.16 18:22Nation

Japan to Celebrate Okinawa Return Both in Tokyo, Okinawa

Japan's central and Okinawa prefectural governments will jointly hold ceremonies marking the 50th anniversary of Okinawa Prefecture's return to Japanese rule simultaneously in Tokyo and the southernmost prefecture, it was learned Wednesday.
   At the prime minister's office in Tokyo, Okinawa Vice Governor Kiichiro Jahana told Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno that all residents in Okinawa want the central and local governments to co-host the ceremonies at the two venues.
   In reply, the top government spokesman vowed to make joint efforts with Okinawa to have the May 15 anniversary celebrated by the entire Japanese people.
   According to people familiar with the matter, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will attend either one of the events, which would be linked online.
   At a plenary meeting of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the country's parliament, in December last year, Kishida underscored the importance of thinking about Okinawa's history and internationally publicizing the prefecture's charms and potentials.


