2022.02.12 13:43Nation

大麻由来CBD、健康被害も 「美容効果」とブーム―違法成分混入、厚労省警戒


2022.02.12 13:43Nation

Health Damage Found amid Popularity of CBD Prodcuts in Japan

Imported health food and cosmetics incorporating a cannabis-derived element called cannabidiol, or CBD, are in wider use in Japan due to their claimed effects such as improving sleeplessness and relieving pain.
   At the same time, however, requests for advice about health damage from the products have increased while instances of illegal elements being mixed into them have been found, prompting Japan's health ministry to be vigilant.
   CBD, extracted from grown stalks and seeds of cannabis plants, has no psychotropic effects. By contrast, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which can be extracted from other parts of cannabis plants, is regulated under the cannabis control act mainly due to their hallucinatory effects.
   According to the Japan Cosmetic Association, the number of imported products incorporating CBD in the Japanese market increased substantially after the health ministry said in 2019 that a treatment for refractory epilepsy containing CBD can be used in clinical trials under certain conditions.
   Businesses advertise CBD products as potable beauty oil, for example, on their websites. Some show business people help the publicity, stressing on the internet that they use such products habitually.


