2022.02.11 18:27Nation

参院選へ結束確認 玉木氏、都民ファと統一候補―国民党大会


2022.02.11 18:27Nation

Japan Opposition DPFP Confirms Unity for Upper House Poll

The major Japanese opposition Democratic Party for the People on Friday affirmed unity among its members in a bid to boost the number of its House of Councillors seats in this summer's Upper House election.
   At a party convention held in Tokyo, the DPFP adopted a platform for its activities for 2022.
   The platform does not include cooperation with Tomin First no Kai (Tokyoites first group), a regional party in Tokyo, apparently in consideration of a cautious view within the DPFP.
   But DPFP leader Yuichiro Tamaki sounded positive on the party and Tomin First fielding a unified candidate in the Tokyo constituency in the election for the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament.
   "We aim for re-election of all of our Upper House members (whose seats will be contested in the upcoming poll) and increase our seats on the chamber as much as we can," Tamaki told a press conference after the convention. "In the Tokyo constituency, we hope to fight the election by unifying candidates (with Tomin First)," he added.


