2022.02.10 12:43Nation

母匿名の出生届、法的見解得られず 14日の提出保留へ―熊本・慈恵病院


2022.02.10 12:43Nation

Japan Govt Refuses to Express View over Confidential Birth

A government regional branch Thursday refused to express its opinion on a possible legal problem with what could become Japan's first confidential birth.
   The Justice Ministry's Kumamoto District Legal Affairs Bureau said it cannot answer a question from Jikei Hospital asking whether submitting a birth notification without the mother's name would violate the Penal Code.
   The bureau told Jikei Hospital that it cannot answer because such matters should be judged by investigative authorities case by case, according to hospital head Takeshi Hasuda.
   The hospital in Kumamoto Prefecture's namesake capital planned to submit such a notification Monday. But it is reconsidering the plan, Hasuda said.
   At the hospital, a woman under 20 gave birth to a baby in December last year under a confidential birth arrangement.


