仙台高裁は「合憲」 2件目、衆院選1票の格差訴訟
2nd Ruling Finding 2021 Lower House Poll Constitutional Issued
A high court in northeastern Japan ruled Tuesday that the House of Representatives election on Oct. 31, 2021, was constitutional in terms of vote-value disparity.
Presiding Judge Masako Ishiguri at Sendai High Court in Miyagi Prefecture dismissed the demand by a group of lawyers, plaintiffs in the lawsuit, that the results of the Lower House poll in five northeastern Japan prefectures--Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata and Fukushima--be annulled.
In the 2021 election for the lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, the value of one vote in the least populous single-seat constituency was 2.08 times that in the most populous district.
The Sendai court's verdict was the fifth among a series of lawsuits filed with high courts and high court branches across Japan for rulings upholding the plaintiffs' argument that the election was unconstitutional in terms of vote-value disparity.
This was the second decision finding that the election was held constitutionally, following the first such verdict, handed down by Tokyo High Court earlier this month. The other three rulings found that the poll was held in a state of unconstitutionality.
長谷川監督「優勝に挑戦」 Jリーグ