2022.02.08 13:12Nation

台湾、日本食品の輸入解禁へ 5県産、福島事故後11年ぶり―TPP加入にらみ


2022.02.08 13:12Nation

Taiwan Announces Plan to Lift Import Ban on Japanese Food

Taiwan will lift its import ban on food from Fukushima and four other Japanese prefectures about 11 years after the ban was introduced, the Taiwanese government said Tuesday.
   The ban on imports of food made in Fukushima, northeastern Japan, as well as the nearby prefectures of Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma and Chiba, is expected to be lifted in late February, except for some items.
   President Tsai Ing-wen's administration has judged it necessary to act in line with international standards as it seeks to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal in what she sees as a long-term economic development strategy.
   Also, concerns about radioactive contamination have eased gradually among Taiwanese consumers.
   The import ban has been in place since the March 2011 meltdowns at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.


