2022.02.08 18:33Nation

日米、鉄鋼関税「一部免除」妥結 業界歓迎、撤廃へ交渉継続


2022.02.08 18:33Nation

U.S. to Partially Remove Extra Tariffs on Japanese Steel Imports

Japan and the United States have reached a deal to partially lift additional U.S. tariffs on steel imports from Japan, the Japanese industry ministry said Tuesday.
   The exemption will take effect April 1. Up to 1.25 million tons of Japanese steel will be allowed for import to the United States annually without the 25 pct additional levy introduced in 2018 by the administration of then President Donald Trump on national security grounds.
   The latest deal, however, does not apply to Japanese aluminum imports, on which the Trump administration imposed additional duties of 10 pct.
   "We'll continue to strongly push (the United States) for a complete resolution" to the extra tariff issue, Japanese industry minister Koichi Hagiuda told a press conference on Tuesday.
   In a separate press conference the same day, Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi said it was "regrettable" that the extra U.S. tariffs on Japanese aluminum imports were kept intact, indicating his desire to continue seeking their removal. He said that the tariffs may not be consistent with World Trade Organization rules.


