2022.02.07 17:22Nation

岸田首相、トリガー条項「現段階考えず」 ガソリン補助金、不断検討―衆院予算委


2022.02.07 17:22Nation

Kishida Says Govt Is Not Considering Gasoline Tax Cut

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida reiterated Monday that his government is not considering a gasoline tax cut at the moment.
   "The government will think about specific measures that will be effective" in dealing with high crude oil prices, Kishida said at a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of parliament.
   On the government's program to provide oil wholesalers with subsidies in order to curb gasoline prices, industry minister Koichi Hagiuda ruled out raising the maximum amount of 5 yen per liter at the moment.
   Hagiuda said, however, that the government will "continue to examine the issue from the perspective of minimizing the effect on citizens' lives and economic activity."
   On the discrepancy between Tokyo and Washington over COVID-19 quarantine measures taken by U.S. forces in Japan, Kishida pledged to "make efforts for the safety and security of local residents through close coordination between Japan and the United States."


