2022.02.07 12:08Nation

3回目接種、1日100万回 岸田首相「今月のできるだけ早期」―衆院予算委


2022.02.07 12:08Nation

Kishida Aims for 1 M. Booster Shots Per Day This Month

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Monday that the government will accelerate the third round of COVID-19 vaccinations to realize the administration of one million booster shots per day as early as possible.
   "We will step up our efforts to raise the number of third novel coronavirus vaccine shots per day to one million at the earliest possible time in February," he said at a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament.
   The government will urge municipalities and companies to move up their inoculation programs as much as possible and actively offer vaccinations at the workplace, Kishida added.
   The prime minister, who had stopped short of showing a numerical target for booster shots, changed his stance in a bid to make up for the delay in the administration of third shots, pundits said.
   Earlier in the day, Kishida held talks with relevant cabinet ministers, including health minister Shigeyuki Goto, and instructed them to promote the vaccination of essential workers, such as school and nursery teachers, and police officers, as well as to increase the daily number of booster shots to one million.


