2022.02.03 16:52Nation

中国依存、輸入品目の23% 日本、米独よりも「リスク」―内閣府報告


2022.02.03 16:52Nation

Japan Heavily Dependent on China for 23 pct of Imported Items

Imported goods for which Japan was heavily dependent on China accounted for 23 pct of all items Japan imported from around the world in 2019, the Cabinet Office said Thursday.
   In a report on world economic trends, the government agency compared Japan's degree of dependence on imports from China, dubbed the world's factory, with the United States and Germany.
   Of some 5,000 goods imported to Japan in 2019, 1,113 were items whose imports from China accounted for at least half of their total imports.
   The report warned that "the country's import structure is risky."
   Compared with the United States and Germany, it would be more difficult for Japan to find substitutes to China if supplies from the country run short, the report said.


