2022.02.02 21:03Nation

和歌山適用、3日に政府決定 まん延防止、対象35都道府県に


2022.02.02 21:03Nation

Japan to Add Wakayama to COVID-19 Pre-Emergency List

The Japanese government agreed to add Wakayama Prefecture to the COVID-19 pre-emergency list from Saturday to Feb. 27, at a meeting of relevant cabinet ministers on Wednesday.
   On Thursday, the government will make a formal decision on the designation at a meeting of its novel coronavirus response headquarters after consulting with experts.
   After the designation, 35 of Japan's 47 prefectures will be in the pre-emergency stage, which allows governors to take powerful measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
   On Wednesday, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, economic revitalization minister Daishiro Yamagiwa and health minister Shigeyuki Goto confirmed the plan to designate Wakayama, western Japan, for pre-emergency measures.
   Later, Yamagiwa, who oversees the government's coronavirus responses, told reporters that the pace of infection spread in areas including Tokyo is "slowing down considerably."


