2022.02.02 13:18Nation

和歌山県、まん延防止要請 仁坂知事「あまりに感染者多い」―新型コロナ


2022.02.02 13:18Nation

Wakayama Pref. Seeks COVID-19 Pre-Emergency Designation

Wakayama Governor Yoshinobu Nisaka said Wednesday that the western Japan prefecture has asked the central government to put the prefecture in the COVID-19 pre-emergency stage due to an infection surge.
   The pre-emergency designation enables prefectural governors to take powerful measures to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.
   The Wakayama government plans to implement pre-emergency measures throughout the prefecture, such as a request for local eating and drinking establishments to shorten operating hours.
   The prefecture also plans to call on residents to refrain from going out or visiting other prefectures if it is not necessary or urgent.
   "The number of people infected with the virus is too large," Nisaka said, showing a sense of emergency.


