2022.02.01 17:16Nation

出版大手4社、米ITを提訴 漫画海賊版配信で賠償請求―東京地裁

 複数の海賊版サイトがクラウドフレアと契約し、「進撃の巨人」「ONE PIECE」などの人気作を含む約4000点を配信。アクセス数が月3億回に上るサイトもあるという。

2022.02.01 17:16Nation

4 Japanese Publishers Sue U.S. Tech Firm over Manga Piracy

Four major publishing companies in Japan sued U.S. internet infrastructure company Cloudflare Inc. on Tuesday, alleging that its services are infringing their copyrights by helping distribute pirated manga.
   Kodansha Ltd., Shueisha Inc., Shogakukan Inc. and Kadokawa Corp. filed the lawsuit with Tokyo District Court against the San Francisco-based company in seeking an injunction against the services and a total of 460 million yen in damages, Kodansha announced.
   According to the announcement, Cloudflare offers a content delivery network service allowing manga piracy websites to distribute their content to online viewers via the network.
   Several pirate websites have contracts with Cloudflare, delivering some 4,000 manga titles, including "Attack on Titan" and "One Piece." One website is said to have as many as 300 million views a month.
   It is believed to be the first manga piracy lawsuit filed by a Japanese publisher against a content delivery network service operator.


