2022.01.27 23:19Nation

濃厚接触者待機、7日に短縮へ 厚労省、感染急拡大受け検討―新型コロナ


2022.01.27 23:19Nation

Japan Eyes Shortening Quarantine for Close Contacts to 7 Days

Japan's health ministry is considering shortening the quarantine period for those who had close contact with people infected with the novel coronavirus to seven days from 10 days at present, it has been learned.
   The move comes in response to a decline in social activities in Japan that has been accelerating due to a surge in the number of close contacts amid the rapid spread of the omicron coronavirus variant in the country.
   On Jan. 14, the ministry said that it will cut the quarantine period to 10 days from 14 days. The decision was made as the omicron variant's incubation period is around three days, which is shorter than other coronavirus strains. The ministry had said that it was extremely rare for the incubation period to exceed 10 days.
   Daily COVID-19 infection cases in Japan has tripled since Jan. 14 and the number of close contacts has also been growing rapidly.
   Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said at a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of Japan's parliament, on Tuesday that the country is considering shortening the quarantine period.


