2022.01.28 07:51Nation

「戦術誘導弾」などの発射発表 正恩氏は軍需工場視察―北朝鮮


2022.01.28 07:51Nation

N. Korea Claims Successful Missile Tests

North Korea's Academy of National Defense Science successfully test-fired two long-range cruise missiles Tuesday and two surface-to-surface tactical guided missiles Thursday, the country's state-run Korean Central News Agency reported Friday.
   The South Korean military detected the launches of cruise missiles Tuesday and short-range ballistic missiles Thursday.
   According to the KCNA, the two long-range cruise missiles traveled for more than two and a half hours toward a Sea of Japan area some 1,800 kilometers away, and struck their target island.
   The KCNA said that the long-range cruise missile system's practical combat capabilities will play a part in beefing up war deterrence.
   Thursday's launches were for testing missile warheads, the news agency said, adding that the surface-to-surface tactical guided missiles precisely hit a target island and that the warheads' explosive power met design requirements.


