2022.01.27 17:20Nation

ゾルゲ遺骨、北方領土に埋葬計画 ロシア外相が明かす


2022.01.27 17:20Nation

Russia Eyes Transfer of Soviet Spy's Remains to Disputed Isles

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has disclosed the idea of transferring the remains of Soviet spy Richard Sorge from Tokyo to the northwestern Pacific islands disputed with Japan.
   Speaking before the lower chamber of Russia's parliament Wednesday, Lavrov said that there is an idea that Sorge's remains will be moved to the southern Kuril island region and buried there.
   The region refers to the Japanese-claimed islands off Hokkaido, seized by Soviet troops in the closing days of World War II.
   Russia is asking Japan to finally resolve the issue in a positive way, Lavrov said.
   Sorge, disguising himself as a German journalist, arrived in Japan in 1933 to gather information on the country's Soviet policy and other matters.


