2022.01.27 17:00Nation

感染者、来週2.4万人も 緊急事態「総合的に判断」―東京都


2022.01.27 17:00Nation

Tokyo's Daily COVID-19 Cases May Hit 24,000 Next Week

The daily number of new coronavirus infection cases in Tokyo may top 24,000 next week, an estimate by experts showed Thursday.
   The estimate was presented at a Tokyo metropolitan government meeting for monitoring the infection situation in the Japanese capital.
   At the meeting, the metropolitan government discussed a plan to enhance its support system for self-isolating coronavirus carriers to ensure that those with severe symptoms are treated at medical facilities.
   The occupancy rate of hospital beds for coronavirus patients in Tokyo stood at 44.4 pct as of Thursday. It is expected to exceed a key threshold of 50 pct as early as Friday.
   The metropolitan government says that it will consider asking the central government to declare a COVID-19 state of emergency in the capital if the occupancy rate reaches 50 pct.


