2022.01.27 17:11Nation

東名あおり事故、無罪主張 被告「危険運転してない」―一家4人死傷差し戻し審・横浜地裁


2022.01.27 17:11Nation

Man Pleads Not Guilty over 2017 Fatal Road Rage Case

A 30-year-old man pleaded not guilty on Thursday over a 2017 high-profile fatal expressway road rage case.
   In the first hearing of his do-over trial at Yokohama District Court in Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, Kazuho Ishibashi said that he has not committed the crime of dangerous driving resulting in death and injury.
   "I didn't drive in a dangerous way that would result in an accident," Ishibashi said.
   In the road rage incident, which occurred on the Tomei Expressway in the Kanagawa town of Oi on the night of June 5, 2017, self-employed Yoshihisa Hagiyama, then 45, from the central city of Shizuoka and his wife, Yuka, then 39, died and their two daughters suffered injuries after the family's car was rear-ended by a truck.
   In their opening statement, the prosecution claimed that Ishibashi's car passed the victim family's car and pulled in front of it. Ishibashi then slowed down, so that the distance between his and the family's cars was about 5 meters.


