2022.01.24 18:43Nation

入国停止「続ける意味ない」 十倉経団連会長、見直し要望―新型コロナ


2022.01.24 18:43Nation

Keidanren Wants Early Review of Japan's Entry Ban

The Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, wants the government to review its basic ban on new entries by foreigners introduced as a novel coronavirus measure, Chairman Masakazu Tokura said Monday.
   "Now that most coronavirus infections in Japan have become omicron variant cases, there's no point continuing the ban," Tokura told a press conference.
   Japan's biggest business lobby also wants the government to shorten the isolation period for COVID-19 close contacts.
   "Why is it 10 days in Japan while the world standard is five days?" he said.
   Israel, which adopted a policy of national isolation, has changed its stance to allow people to enter the country with COVID-19 vaccination certificates, Tokura said.


