3回接種、オミクロン株に効果 中和抗体、保有率100%に―神戸大
Booster Shot Increases Antibodies against Omicron: Kobe Univ.
A research team of Kobe University has confirmed that a booster vaccine dose is effective in increasing neutralizing antibodies that inactivate the highly contagious omicron variant of the novel coronavirus.
This is the first research finding announced in Japan that indicates the effectiveness of a third vaccine shot against omicron.
The research covered 65 doctors at Kobe University in their 20s to 60s who received a booster dose of U.S. drug giant Pfizer Inc.'s COVID-19 vaccine in early December last year.
Of the doctors, the proportion of those with neutralizing antibodies against omicron stood at 5 pct six months after they received a second vaccine dose.
In two weeks to a month after the doctors received a booster shot, the antibody prevalence rate jumped to 100 pct, the team said on Tuesday. The amount of antibodies soared 64-fold on average following the third vaccination.