2019.12.07 21:56Nation

「内密出産」受け入れへ 親の名、相談室長が管理―赤ちゃんポストの病院・熊本




2019.12.07 21:56Nation

Kumamoto Baby Hatch Hospital to Accept Confidential Birth

Jikei Hospital, known for its "Konotori no Yurikago" (storks' cradle) baby hatch, will start a program to allow women to give birth keeping their names secret, a senior official has said.
   The hospital in the southwestern Japan city of Kumamoto decided on the move after seeing little progress in talks with the city government on assistance to isolated pregnant women, doctor Takeshi Hasuda, deputy head of the hospital, said Saturday.
   Those hoping to use the confidential birth program would disclose their identities only to the head of the hospital's consultation office for mothers with newborns.
   Documents on which the users' names are written would be sealed and kept elsewhere. In the hospital, the users would be allowed to get checkups and give birth under assumed names. The hospital would pay related costs.
   The seals would not be broken until their children reach a certain age. The children's rights to know their family backgrounds would be protected because they would be allowed to see the names of their mothers if they want, according to Hasuda.


