2021.12.27 19:18Nation

「拘禁刑」創設へ 懲役・禁錮を一本化―法務省、通常国会に改正案提出


2021.12.27 19:18Nation

Japan to Unify Imprisonment with, without Labor

Japan's Justice Ministry plans to create a new form of punishment that will combine two existing ones--imprisonment with prison work and that without such labor, government sources said Monday.
   The ministry is expected to submit legislation necessary for the change to the next ordinary session of parliament, to be convened in January.
   If a type of punishment and its name are changed, it would be the first such reform in Japan since the establishment of the Penal Code in 1907.
   Currently, there are two types of imprisonment that deprive prisoners of their physical freedom.
   One obliges prisoners to engage in penal work, such as dressmaking and woodworking, while the other does not require prisoners to perform any work during their detention.


