2019.12.06 13:12Nation

東名あおり、審理差し戻し 東京高裁、危険運転成立は認める―一家4人死傷事故





2019.12.06 13:12Nation

2017 Fatal Road Rage Case Sent Back to Lower Court

Tokyo High Court on Friday overturned an 18-year prison sentence for a 27-year-old man over a 2017 high-profile fatal road rage case, sending it back to a lower court.
   The high court, just like Yokohama District Court, recognized that the accused, Kazuho Ishibashi, committed a crime of dangerous driving resulting in death and injury, but pointed to a problem in procedures at the lower court.
   In the road rage incident, which occurred on the Tomei Expressway in Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, on the night of June 5, 2017, Yoshihisa Hagiyama, 45, and his wife, Yuka, 39, were killed, and their two daughters suffered injuries. The prison sentence for Ishibashi was given in December 2018, following his lay-judge trial at the district court in Yokohama, the capital of Kanagawa.
   According to the lower court ruling, Ishibashi was infuriated by Hagiyama's criticism of his parking manner. The accused later drove his car and passed the victim family's car at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour.
   His vehicle then changed lanes, pulled in front of the family's car and forced it to stop on the fast lane of the expressway. About two minutes later, the family's car was rear-ended by a large truck, leaving the couple dead and the daughters injured.


