2021.12.18 15:38Nation

「復興道路」が全線開通 八戸~仙台間、359キロ―三陸道、震災から10年で完成


2021.12.18 15:38Nation

Entire Route of "Reconstruction Road" Opens in Northeastern Japan

The entire route of an expressway running along the Sanriku Pacific coast in northeastern Japan, built by the Japanese government as a road embodying the region's reconstruction from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, opened on Saturday.
   With the full opening of the Sanriku coastal expressway running between Sendai, the capital of Miyagi Prefecture, and the city of Hachinohe in Aomori Prefecture, the northeastern Japan region now has a road traffic network measuring around 570 kilometers, including four "reconstruction support roads" connecting areas facing the Pacific Ocean and inland areas in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures.
   Many hope that the newly completed expressway, which runs for a total distance of around 359 kilometers, will lead to regional revitalization in terms of logistics and tourism, in addition to being utilized for relief activities in times of disaster.
   A section connecting the village of Fudai and the city of Kuji, both in Iwate Prefecture, which had yet to be opened to traffic, was put into service on Saturday.
   An opening ceremony was held in Kuji ahead of the section's opening.


