2021.11.29 18:39Nation

初診からオンライン可能に 恒久化向け指針改定へ―厚労省


2021.11.29 18:39Nation

Japan to Make Online Diagnoses Available Permanently

A Japanese health ministry panel of experts has broadly approved a plan to make online diagnoses available permanently from first medical examinations.
   The plan to revise existing guidelines on such medical examinations said that online medical examinations for first-time patients should be conducted by primary doctors in principle.
   At a meeting Monday, the panel also agreed to allow other doctors to conduct online diagnoses for first-time patients if they receive medical referral letters or have access to results of the patients' medical checkups.
   If doctors do not have enough patient information, they will have to have consultations with patients prior to medical examinations.
   The plan noted that online diagnoses are not suitable for patients with severe symptoms, such as strong stomachache, chest pains or hematemesis, as they may be signs of serious illnesses.


