2021.11.11 12:14Nation

林外相、日中議連会長辞任を表明 「無用な誤解避けるため」


2021.11.11 12:14Nation

Foreign Min. Hayashi to Quit as Head of Japan-China Group

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi said Thursday that he will resign as chairman of a suprapartisan group of lawmakers promoting relations between Japan and China.
   Hayashi told a press conference that he has made the decision in order to avoid "unnecessary misunderstandings" while performing his duties as foreign minister.
   Hayashi became foreign minister on Wednesday in line with the launch of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's second cabinet.
   With Hayashi serving as head of the group from 2017, however, some members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party were expressing concern about his stance on China.
   "I'll assert what I should to urge responsible action" by China, Hayashi stressed at the press conference.


