2019.12.02 18:52Nation

流行語大賞「ワンチーム」 ラグビーW杯で列島熱狂―「令和」「タピる」も入選

「2019ユーキャン新語・流行語大賞」の年間大賞は「ONE TEAM(ワンチーム)」(右上)が選ばれた=2日午後、東京都千代田区

「2019ユーキャン新語・流行語大賞」の年間大賞は「ONE TEAM(ワンチーム)」(右上)が選ばれた=2日午後、東京都千代田区

 今年の世相を反映した言葉を選ぶ「2019ユーキャン新語・流行語大賞」(「現代用語の基礎知識」選)が2日、東京都内で発表された。令和初となる年間大賞には、ラグビーワールドカップ(W杯)で史上初のベスト8進出を果たし、列島を熱狂の渦に巻き込んだ日本代表のスローガン「ONE TEAM(ワンチーム)」が選ばれた。




2019.12.02 18:52Nation

Japan Rugby Slogan "One Team" Named This Year's Top Buzzword

"One Team," a slogan of Japan's national rugby team, which has made the Rugby World Cup final eight for the first time, was named this year's top buzzword Monday.
   The annual list of top-10 buzzwords included "Reiwa," the name of the new era that started when Emperor Naruhito ascended the throne May 1 after his father, now Emperor Emeritus Akihito, abdicated on April 30.
   Also making the cut were "Reduced tax rate," introduced as the country shifted to a two-tier consumption tax rate system at the time of the Oct. 1 tax hike, "Tapiru," meaning having tapioca drinks, and "Menkyo Henno," meaning the voluntary return of driving licenses by elderly people, which increased following a series of fatal accidents by seniors.
   Elsewhere in the top-10 list were "Keikaku Unkyu," meaning scheduled transportation service suspensions implemented to prepare for typhoon landfalls this year, and "Yami Eigyo," referring to the practice in which comedians received money in return for performances conducted without the involvement of their management agencies.
   The selection committee's special prize went to a phrase used by former Japan-born major leaguer Ichiro Suzuki at a press conference to announce his retirement in March, "Kokai nado Arohazu ga Arimasen," meaning "How could I possibly have any regrets?"


