2019.11.29 19:46Nation

山口公明代表、安倍首相との会食を党内に報告 解散話し合いの臆測も


2019.11.29 19:46Nation

Abe-Yamaguchi Dinner Stokes Speculation on Snap Election

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his coalition partner, Natsuo Yamaguchi, had a one-on-one dinner meeting this week, stoking speculation that they may have discussed a snap election for the House of Representatives.
   At a Komeito meeting Friday, party leader Yamaguchi said he had the two-hour dinner meeting Thursday night.
   The one-on-one dinner between the two, held at Abe's suggestion, was the first since Abe returned to power in December 2012, according to Komeito sources.
   "We confirmed that the government and the ruling parties will be maintaining a sense of tension" toward the Dec. 9 end of the ongoing parliamentary session, Yamaguchi told the party meeting.
   Abe and Yamaguchi regularly meet over lunch at the prime minister's office. They had a dinner meeting in November 2018, accompanied by senior government officials.


