2019.11.28 16:57Nation

東北3県の中小企業支援 金融庁、復興へ専門人材紹介




2019.11.28 16:57Nation

Japan FSA Hosts Event to Link Small Tohoku Firms with Experts

Japan's Financial Services Agency on Thursday hosted an event to connect small companies from the Tohoku northeastern region of the country with experts who have know-how in such fields as developing overseas sales routes and human resources.
   The event was designed to let the firms, from the prefectures of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima, acquire professional knowledge from the experts to help them better contribute to regional economic revitalization and recovery from the damage brought by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, and the subsequent nuclear accident. Many regional companies in Japan are believed to be suffering from shortages of talented human resources.
   Participating in the event were representatives of some 40 companies with businesses with shinkin banks and other financial institutions in the three prefectures hit hardest by the quake and tsunami, and about 100 people with rich expertise in global sales, finance and human resources who have worked at major firms in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
   Some of the company representatives spoke face-to-face with the experts at a venue in Tokyo, while others, at venues in the three prefectures, talked with the specialists via a teleconference system.
   The president of a foundry company in the city of Minamisoma, Fukushima, came to the Tokyo venue and engaged in a heated discussion on strategies to expand sales with a former employee of a major brokerage firm. "Harmful rumors (about the nuclear accident) remain deep-rooted," a representative of Minamisoma-based Abukuma Shinkin Bank, whose loan clients include the foundry company, said, adding, "I hope the networking event will lead to a breakthrough." Fukushima is home to Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, where the triple meltdown accident occurred.


