2021.10.10 07:05Nation

いじめ根絶へ法改正を 「教育現場変わらず」―大津中2自殺10年で父


2021.10.10 07:05Nation

Father Calls for Law Revision to Eradicate School Bullying

The father of a boy who killed himself in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture, western Japan, in 2011 at the age of 13 after being bullied at junior high school is calling for a law revision to eradicate school bullying.
   "No change is seen in the field of education" even after the law to promote efforts to prevent school bullying was established in 2013 after the suicide, which marked the 10th anniversary on Monday, the father, 56, said.
   This is "a law my son created with his life," the father said. "I've spent the 10 years feeling as if my son turned into the law."
   Over the past decade, he has engaged in activities in many places to support families of people who committed suicide due to bullying.
   "I rediscovered that the educational field has not changed in the past decade," he said, noting that many schools and boards of education hid documents related to bullying.


