2019.11.28 11:33Nation

10月対韓ビール輸出ゼロ 20年ぶり、不買運動続く


2019.11.28 11:33Nation

Japan Beer Exports to S. Korea Hit Zero in Oct.

Japan's monthly beer exports to South Korea dropped to zero in October for the first time since June 1999, Japanese data showed Thursday.
   The result, included in the Finance Ministry's detailed trade data, apparently reflected prolonged boycotts of Japanese products in South Korea spurred by the straining of bilateral relations over history and trade issues.
   From January 2018 to July this year, Japan's monthly beer shipments to South Korea ranged roughly between 300 million yen and 900 million yen.
   After Japan tightened its export controls on certain semiconductor materials bound for South Korea in July, however, beer exports plummeted 92.2 pct from a year before to 50.09 million yen in August and slumped further to only 580,000 yen in September, down 99.9 pct.
   Meanwhile, exports of vehicles from Japan to South Korea plunged 63.6 pct to 2,918 million yen in October, according to data released earlier this month.


