2021.10.08 11:32Nation

岸田首相、経済対策を指示 数十兆円規模、年内成立目指す―子育て世帯・事業者支援


2021.10.08 11:32Nation

Kishida Instructs Compilation of Economic Package

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at a cabinet meeting Friday instructed relevant ministers to draw up a set of economic measures, such as those for alleviating the fallout of the novel coronavirus pandemic.
   Steps to support child-rearing families and businesses hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis will likely be among pillars of the package.
   The Kishida government plans to compile a fiscal 2021 supplementary budget to finance the economy-boosting measures after the Oct. 31 election for the House of Representatives, the all-important lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, aiming to have it enacted by the end of the year.
   During his campaign for the Sept. 29 leadership election at the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, Kishida vowed to formulate additional economic measures worth tens of trillions of yen in order to achieve a virtuous cycle of growth and redistribution.


