2021.10.08 01:06Nation

深夜の首都圏、大きな揺れ 「東日本大震災以来」「怖い」―タクシー長蛇の列


2021.10.08 01:06Nation

People Surprised, Scared by Late-Night Tokyo-Area Quake

A powerful earthquake that rocked Tokyo and surrounding areas late Thursday night surprised and scared a number of people, including those on their way home after work.
   Many people formed a long line at a taxi stand in front of Kita-Senju Station of East Japan Railway Co. , or JR East, in Tokyo's Adachi Ward, where the quake registered upper 5, the fourth-highest level on Japan's seismic intensity scale of 7.
   "Alerts went off on smartphones of passengers on a subway train," said a 44-year-old corporate worker from the city of Kawaguchi, Saitama Prefecture, north of Tokyo.
   With train services for his home station suspended, he said, "I have no choice but to wait for the train operations to be resumed." He was able to contact his wife and his two children through the Line messaging app. But he said anxiously, "Are they all right?"
   A male company worker, 27, who was drinking with friends at an "izakaya" pub near Kita-Senju Station, said, "I guess this is the strongest earthquake since the Great East Japan Earthquake," referring to the huge quake that struck mainly the Tohoku northeastern Japan region on March 11, 2011.


