2019.11.27 18:01Nation

海外拡大意欲、リーマン以来の低水準 米中摩擦で国内も慎重―協力銀


2019.11.27 18:01Nation

Japan Makers Least Interested in Overseas Expansion since FY '09

Japanese manufacturers are least interested in boosting overseas operations since fiscal 2009 amid the global financial crisis following the 2008 collapse of U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers, a survey showed Wednesday.
   The share of respondents planning to strengthen or expand their foreign operations over the next three years or so dropped 4.2 percentage points from the previous year to 71.4 pct in fiscal 2019, according to the survey by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation.
   Behind the drop were uncertainties over the global economy due to the U.S.-China trade war.
   The survey also showed that the proportion of manufacturers planning to strengthen or expand their domestic operations came to 42.8 pct, down 3.1 points.
   The share of manufacturers foreseeing a decline in revenues rose 11.4 points to 45.3 pct, reflecting the trade conflict.


