2019.11.26 18:13Nation

氷河期世代、国も採用へ 年内に計画、経済対策で支援も




2019.11.26 18:13Nation

Japan Govt to Actively Hire "Ice Age Generation" Workers

The Japanese government will actively hire people in the so-called employment ice age generation for national public servant positions, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Tuesday.
   He made the remark at the first meeting of a public-private council to discuss support for the ice age generation in their 30s and 40s, who struggled to find jobs because they graduated after the collapse of Japan's asset bubbles in the early 1990s.
   Regarding an increase in the employment of such people by local governments, Abe said, "The central government will also actively hire such people for midcareer positions from this fiscal year."
   The central government plans to include steps to assist the generation in economic measures currently under consideration.
   The government aims to increase the number of regular workers in the generation by 300,000 under its three-year intensive support program.


