2019.11.25 20:52Nation

政府、輸出規制見直しへ3条件 日韓先行き、依然不透明


2019.11.25 20:52Nation

Japan Sets Out Conditions for Relaxing Export Controls on S. Korea

The Japanese government has unveiled three conditions for it to review the tightening of its export controls on South Korea and once again give the neighboring country preferential trade status.
   The three conditions, explained at a meeting of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party on Monday, are: continued bilateral talks, South Korea's strengthening of its trade control system and Seoul's introduction of legislation to prevent exported materials from being used to develop conventional weapons.
   In July, Japan tightened its controls on South Korea-bound exports of certain semiconductor materials, citing security concerns over Seoul's trade control system. It then removed South Korea from its list of trusted trading partners qualified for preferential treatment in export procedures the following month.
   While the two countries agreed last Friday to resume bureau chief-level talks over issues related to export controls, it came to light that they differ over their understanding of the reasons for restarting the talks. It thus remains unclear whether the resumption of dialogue will help improve their soured relations.
   Japan has repeatedly urged South Korea to improve its trade control system since removing the country from its trusted trade partners list in August.


