2021.09.07 20:13Nation

立民、「枝野内閣」最初の一手発表 30兆円補正、森友究明チームも


2021.09.07 20:13Nation

CDP Releases Policies to First Adopt If It Wins General Election

Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan leader Yukio Edano on Tuesday released a list of policies that his possible cabinet would first adopt if the main opposition party wins the upcoming House of Representatives election.
   The policy list included drawing up a 30-trillion-yen supplementary budget for fiscal 2021 to fund measures to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, as well as setting up a team to investigate high-profile favoritism scandals involving former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
   "I hope to inform people that we can bring about change on the first day in office," Edano stressed at a press conference.
   It was unusual to release such a policy list in advance. The move apparently reflected concerns that the opposition camp could be forced to take a backseat during the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's leadership race.
   Also in the list were the appointment of six Science Council of Japan members that the administration of incumbent Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has rejected, and the release of security camera footage of a Sri Lankan woman who died in an immigration facility.


