2019.11.23 07:21Nation

高校生が銅板の折り鶴制作 ローマ教皇への贈り物―「平和の願い伝えたい」・広島







2019.11.23 07:21Nation

Hiroshima Students to Give Copper "Orizuru" to Pope Francis

Seven students at a high school in the western Japan city of Hiroshima have handcrafted two "orizuru" folded cranes from copperplates, with prayers for peace, as a gift to Pope Francis, who is set to visit Japan for four days from Saturday.
   "I hope the gift will help the pope know the desire for peace held by people of Hiroshima, an atomic-bombed city, and Japan," one of the students, Takumi Sato, 18, a third-grader at Hiroshima Municipal Technical High School, said.
   Hiroshima was flattered by a U.S. atomic bomb on Aug. 6, 1945, in the closing days of World War II. The city of Nagasaki, southwestern Japan, suffered the same fate three days later.
   The copperplates used to create the two cranes, which are each 15 centimeters long and 8 centimeters high, were part of the roof of Memorial Cathedral for World Peace, built in 1954 to pay tribute the atomic bomb victims. They were provided by the Catholic Hiroshima Diocese, as the Hiroshima cathedral underwent seismic-strengthening work.
   In 2005, the high school started a program for its students to make copperplate orizuru cranes. About 400 to 500 cranes are created a year and sold at events including its annual culture festivals, with revenue donated to a foundation for the preservation of the Atomic Bomb Dome, the remains of a Hiroshima building that survived the nuclear attack on the city.


