2019.11.23 07:17Nation

日韓関係悪化、影響根深く 協定維持も早期回復望み薄―産業界


2019.11.23 07:17Nation

Japan Firms See Little Hope of Early Recovery in Ties with Seoul

Despite South Korea's eleventh-hour decision on Friday to effectively extend its military information-sharing pact with Japan, Japanese businesses seem to have little hope of an early recovery in the two countries' ties as there is no prospect in sight for a resolution of the issue of wartime labor that has caused the bilateral relationship to plunge.
   Also, the feelings of South Korean people toward Japan deteriorated after Japan tightened its controls on exports of certain semiconductor materials to South Korea in July.
   The soured ties have brought severe negative effects on the tourism and distribution industries in Japan and on Japanese firms operating in South Korea.
   The Kyushu region of southwestern Japan, geographically close to South Korea, had benefited from tourists from the neighboring country. Recently, however, hotel, bus and department store operators in the region have seen the number of customers from South Korea falling dramatically.
   "It makes no sense to promote our services in a country with little benefit," an official of a major department store in Fukuoka, the biggest city in Kyushu, said. The store is now strengthening its campaigns to attract Chinese customers while almost giving up efforts to lure visitors from South Korea.


