2019.11.22 21:53Nation

日韓、局長級対話再開へ 輸出管理厳格化は継続




2019.11.22 21:53Nation

Japan to Resume High-Level Talks on Export Controls with S. Korea

The Japanese government on Friday announced a plan to resume bureau-chief-level talks with South Korea over issues related to export controls.
   The announcement came as Seoul decided to suspend procedures for a complaint it filed with the World Trade Organization against Japan's tighter controls on exports of certain semiconductor materials to South Korea.
   Tokyo now believes that the South Korean side has shown its intention to address problems with its export control system. No bilateral bureau-chief-level talks on export controls have taken place since summer 2016.
   Still, Japan plans to keep the enhanced trade measure in place for the time being. "We'll continue operating our export control system appropriately," Japanese trade minister Hiroshi Kajiyama told reporters on Friday.
   On the same day, the South Korean government announced a policy of effectively extending its General Security of Military Information Agreement, or GSOMIA, with Japan, in a reversal of its decision to scrap the pact, which was taken in August amid the worsening bilateral relationship.


