大阪市、「都市力」初の首位 暮らしやすさを評価―森ビル系調査
Osaka Rated Most Powerful City in Japan
Osaka has topped the list of powerful Japanese cities for the first time, an affiliate of real estate developer Mori Building Co. said Tuesday.
The western Japan city beat Kyoto in the 2021 "power cities" rankings compiled by the Mori Memorial Foundation's Institute for Urban Strategies.
A total of 138 major cities in Japan were rated by 86 indicators in six categories such as the economy, culture and environment. Tokyo's densely populated 23 special wards were rated separately.
Osaka climbed to first place thanks to improved scores for accessibility and livability, while Kyoto, also in western Japan, fell to second place after topping the list for three consecutive years.
The latest rankings included new indicators, such as the amount of carbon dioxide emissions per daytime population and the extent of progress in efforts to introduce electronic government systems.